• WW1 (1914-18) caused 17m deaths. The Western Front in France was totally destroyed (300,000 houses, 6,000 , 1,000 miles railway, 112 coal mines).
• ∴ the Conference took place in an atmosphere of , grief & loss.
Making Peace
• 11 Nov 1918: Germany signed the (ceasefire). They could not fight but ≠ believe they had surrendered.
• 18 Jan 1919: Delegates from nations met in Paris to create peace treaties.
◦ Wilson (USA): Wanted to 'lift from the shoulders of humanity the ' of war.
◦ Lloyd George (UK): Warned the world wanted peace & would not forgive .
• Originally meant as a pre-meeting for victors to agree demands b4 a full peace conference. But it became the actual Peace Conference,
& its decisions were final.
• Treaty of Versailles ≠ negotiated w/o Germany – only Allies attended
& imposed terms on Germany (‘’) → Germans resented this.
Attitudes of the Victors
• Geddes (UK): Germany must pay – 'everything you can out of a lemon'.
• Wilson (USA): Aims = make a treaty
& secure future peace.
• General idea: Horrors of war → Nations should work together.
Background: The Legacy of WW1
• WW1 (1914-18) caused 17m deaths. The Western Front in France was totally destroyed (300,000 houses, 6,000 FACTORIES, 1,000 miles railway, 112 coal mines).
• ∴ the Conference took place in an atmosphere of HATRED, grief & loss.
Making Peace
• 11 Nov 1918: Germany signed the ARMISTICE (ceasefire). They could not fight but ≠ believe they had surrendered.
• 18 Jan 1919: Delegates from 32 nations met in Paris to create peace treaties.
◦ Wilson (USA): Wanted to 'lift from the shoulders of humanity the FRIGHTFUL WEIGHT' of war.
◦ Lloyd George (UK): Warned the world wanted peace & would not forgive DELAYS.
• Originally meant as a pre-meeting for victors to agree demands b4 a full peace conference. But it became the actual Peace Conference,
& its decisions were final.
• Treaty of Versailles ≠ negotiated w/o Germany – only Allies attended
& imposed terms on Germany (‘DIKTAT’) → Germans resented this.